How to Enjoy the Artist Talk

Information Center
7. July 2023 | 10:00 -
Aquarium (Südblock), Skalitzer Str. 6, 10999 Berlin

How to Enjoy the Artist Talk

With Neslihan Arol (performer, artistic researcher, Bühne der Menschenrechte)

The artist talk after the performance is a standard way to come into contact with the audience. The separation, however, between stage and audience seating sets up invisible rules for artists and audience members that determine how both of the sides have to behave in their roles: as such, many audience members hesitate to speak up in the classic theater atmosphere - amongst other reasons, also because of the fear of having to say something clever. How can we encounter these barriers and shape a participatory discussion in which the audience is included and made to understand that their contributions are welcome? How can we enjoy the artist talk? How can we avoid this turning into a stressful situation consisting of self-presentation and possible criticism from the audience?
Working from the foundation of the experiences and needs of the participants, this workshop will provide strategies for shaping artist talks from which the creative work as well as the inclusion of the members of the audience equally profit. 

In English spoken language, it is possible to ask questions and make comments using German and Turkish spoken language

Please register by July 5 to:
beratung [at]