Mentoring Program „Text" 2018 - 2019

Mentoring Program „Text" 2018 - 2019

In cooperation with: Lettrétage

Target Group: Writers within the independent performing arts community or those having a desire to join the independent performing arts community

The Mentoring Program “Text” of the Performing Arts Program is intended for members of the independent performing arts community who primarily work on writing for the stage. Within each Group, two mentees will benefit from the experience of their mentors, who will be selected in cooperation with Lettrétage. They will provide their mentees with intense support over the course of individual coaching sessions.

Mentors and mentees 2018

Maxi Obexer was born in South Tyrol, “Italy. She is a playwright and author and founder of the New Institute for Dramatic Writing, Nids. She has held numerous guest professorships at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, the German Literature Institute in Leipzig and the Berlin University of the Arts, among others. She was a fellow of the Berlin Academy of Arts, the Literary Colloquium Berlin and the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, among others. Maxi Obexer studied general and comparative literature, philosophy and theater studies in Vienna and Berlin.
Long before the shipping disasters were noticed in German-speaking countries, Obexer made European immigration policy a thematic focus of her work and has been questioning the significance of Europe ever since. She has produced successful plays and radio plays such as “Das Geisterschiff” (2006), “Gehen und Bleiben” (2017) and “Illegale Helfer” (2015), which was awarded the Eurodram Prize and the Robert Geisendörfer Prize in 2016. Together with her numerous essays and the novel “Wenn gefährliche Hunde lachen” (2011; tr: When Dangerous Dogs Laugh), her works present a diverse and unusual perspective on the immigration and emigration of people. Maxi Obexer lives in Berlin.

is mentor of

Vedi Vanessa Emde studied literature and gender studies in Berlin and directing under the mentorship of Luk Perceval in Ludwigsburg. Her final production “Von toten Vögeln. Ein matrilineares Doku-Märchen” was invited to the Körber Studio for Young Directors at the Thalia Theater Hamburg in 2012, after which she was a fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude. Since then, she has worked as a freelance author, director and dramaturge in Germany and the Czech Republic. Together with the poet Sina Klein, she founded the transmedia artists' collective PASSAGE'`ZUSTAND in 2016.
In addition to her theater work, Vedi Vanessa Emde publishes texts in various anthologies and magazines, teaches “Performance & Authorship” and gives trainings for diversity, solidarity and empowerment in the performing arts and theater.

Nina Peters, born in 1975, studied New German Literature and Theater Studies in Berlin and London. From 2003 to 2007 editor at Theater der Zeit, since 2011 editor at Suhrkamp Theater Verlag.

is mentor of

Anna-Kristine Linke lives in Berlin and studies directing at the HfMT in Hamburg. She previously completed her studies in philosophy, arts and media in Hildesheim. As a director, she is interested in people and interpersonal relationships through documentary formats (documentary films have taken her to Kiev and NYC, among other places), play development (in Hamburg she developed “Schorf” together with Bendix Fesefeldt, Antonia Münchow and Amelle Schwerk, among others) and encounter formats (in Uri Turkenich's and her performance “untitled”, people meet through the question “What touches you in your life at the moment”). Anna-Kirstine Linke is currently writing her novel “An L.” and, together with psychologist Hannah Lesser, is developing methods with which individuals and groups can work creatively in a self-caring way. In her current play “Familienfest oder wie man einen Goldfisch schluckt”, she uses her own family history as an example to explore, together with Hannah Lesser and Marius Alsleben, what family is and can be today.
Anna-Kirstine Linke is a scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, winner of the Treffen junger AutorInnen, and was supported by the Stiftung Niedersachen in 2013. Since 2018, she has been a mentee in the “Text” mentoring program of the Performing Arts Program.