Online-Services & Websites

Online-Services & Websites

Freie Szene Kompass

The Freie Szene Kompass (Compass of the Independent Performing Arts Community), an online guidebook that provides a detailed overview of points of contact, funding options, performance venues, cultural policy initiatives, residency programs as well as production and press offices in Berlin.
Unfortunately, the Compass is currently only available in German.

Read more: Freie Szene Kompass

Berlin Performing Arts Guide

The Berlin Performing Arts Guide provide direct access to the community for audience members, visiting industry professionals and interested parties. The portal provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of Berlin’s independent performing arts community. In doing so, structures and initiatives, festivals and industry events as well as performance venues are presented.

Proberaumplattform Berlin

The Proberaumplattform Berlin (Berlin Rehearsal Space Platform) is the digital marketplace for everyone looking to offer or use rehearsal spaces in Berlin. This comprehensive directory provides a decisive overview in the form of words and images of the spaces being offered throughout the entire city of Berlin along with detailed information about the respective conditions on-site.

Theaterscoutings Berlin

In collaboration with over 30 cooperation partners, Theaterscoutings Berlin offers a monthly alternating schedule of programming. Post-performance discussions and pre-performance introductions, workshops and formats such as jam sessions or rehearsal visits are held. Regular tours of performance venues are also organized in order to awaken curiosity in the independent performing arts community.


More from LAFT Berlin:

LAFT Berlin

LAFT Berlin – Berlin State Association for the Independent Performing Arts e.V. represents the interests of the professional independent performing arts in Berlin in dealing with politicians and the public. It supports its members through networking activities, consultation, coordination and services.

Performing Arts Festival Berlin

The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is organized by LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e. V. in cooperation with the performance venues HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Sophiensæle, Ballhaus Ost and Theaterdiscounter.

The Berlin Performing Arts Festival celebrates the diversity of Berlin’s independent performing arts community at numerous theaters and performance venues throughout the entire city. Since 2016, this annual week-long festival has presented the work and artistic positions of Berlin’s performing artists and groups working in all genres.