Activist Brunch

Industry Get-Together
22. October 2022 | 12:00 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Activist Brunch

On the closing day of the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community, speakers, moderators, visitors and team members will come together with representatives of associations, advocacy groups and unions and reflect upon the two days of the conference that have already passed. What topics have been especially present? What do you we still need to talk about? How can we network with each even more effectively in the longer term and, most of all, what are we working toward?

Over the course of table conversation with an open mic there is the opportunity to provide insights into your own work, no matter whether you are going it alone or as an association, and learn more about the goals, strategies and methods of your colleagues.

Everyone who has always meant to take the time to become a member of an association is as much in the right place here as well as all of those who are already well informed and want to exchange with all of the other active colleagues and make new plans. What will we do next together? Who has the latest cultural policy gossip? And what are we going to talk about next year?

With representatives of the Ensemble Netzwerks (Ensemble Network), Regie-Netzwerks (Directors Network), the model project Fairstage, the Jungen Ensemble Netzwerk (the Young Ensemble Network),  the BFDK, LAFT Berlin, the Bund der Szenografen (the Association of Scenographers), EAIPA (the European Association of the Independent Perforing Arts), Bundesverband für Theater im Öffentlichen Raum (the German Federal Association for Theater in Public Space)

Moderated by: Sarah Stührenberg and Belén Marinato (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German and English spoken language