Application Showcase (Not Just) For Beginners

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 | 11:30 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Application Showcase (Not Just) For Beginners

Again and again, newcomers arrive and pose us the question: what does a perfect, successful funding application actually look like? We can only answer this question with difficulty, since looking at the applications submitted by colleagues within the independent performing arts community happens only rarely.

We are invited artists and independent groups to present their (successful) applications and talk about their experiences: what works well when writing an application? How do you present a project in a way that is both coherent as well as appealing? What are the dos and don’ts? And: What was it, in your opinion, that gave the application you presented its success?

With She She Pop, Machina Ex, Gob Squad (invited) and additional guests

Moderated by: Christin Eckart (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German spoken language