Closing Event: Reflection, “Copy and Dance” with MC Tina Pfurr and VJ Anna Zett and DJs from Beat Kollektiv

Industry Get-Together
10. October 2015 | 20:00
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Closing Event: Reflection, “Copy and Dance” with MC Tina Pfurr and VJ Anna Zett and DJs from Beat Kollektiv

Be Part of Something Bigger! 

Led by MC Tina Pfurr and VJ Anna Zett, everyone will dance together in front of a giant screen, copying classics from the dance community, music video highlights, the best from today and still-unknown work from around the world. 

And the Industry Get-Together doesn’t stop here! Our heroic DJs Marian Tone and Florian Forderschinken from Wedding’s Beat Kollektiv will pick up the ball and rock the dance floor with outstanding music.


Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost, Copy and Dance)
Anna Zett (Copy and Dance)
Marian Tone (Beat Kollektiv)
Florian Forderschinken (Beat Kollektiv)