Coffee and Cake with Representatives of Mentoring and Residency Programs

Industry Get-Together
10. October 2015 | 16:30
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Coffee and Cake with Representatives of Mentoring and Residency Programs

Over the course of a shared break for coffee and cake, you have the opportunity to converse with representatives of mentoring and residency programs.


Lea Moro (K3 - Zentrum für Choreographie/Tanzplan Hamburg/PAiR - Performing Arts in Residence, Schloss Bröllin)
Peter Legemann (PAiR - Performing Arts in Residence, Schloss Bröllin/ResArtis - Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies)
Philip Horst (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbaniststik - ZK/U Residency, Berlin)
Bettina Sluzalek (Performing Arts Programm Berlin, Mentoring Programm)
Hyunsin Kim (Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency Program, Sungam-do, Ansan-si)
Bernhard Fauser (Choreographisches Centrum Heidelberg)
Tile von Damm (MOD Institute)
Christoph Backes (Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland)
Clara Herrman (Residenzprogramm der Akademie Solitude, Stuttgart)