Cultural Policy II: Minimum Fee Limits 4.0 and the Social Situation

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
20. October 2022 | 15:00 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Cultural Policy II: Minimum Fee Limits 4.0 and the Social Situation

The comprehensive study Systemcheck (System Check) of the BFDK, the conference Fair Pay!, the fee commission of the cultural ministers and the question of an increase to the minimum fee limits… the conversations are heating up! In Berlin as well, the recommendations for minimum fee limits have to be increased once again for 2023, at the latest. Will there finally also be a relevant pension entitlement? And isn’t it really long-past time for fee guidelines beyond those for minimum limits?

With brief presentations and a moderated round of discussion, we will provide some insight into the state of things and look at models, concepts and strategies concerning fees and wages and pose questions regarding the next steps.

With Lisa Basten (ver.di, invited), Frederieke Behrens & Tobias Pflug (Fair Pay! – a Participatory Process for the New Orientation of Fee Recommendations, invited), Helge-Björn Meyer (Alliance of the Independent Arts) and additional guests

Moderated by: Anne Schneider (director and concept developer)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language

The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language