Cultural Policy III: Good to Know – City, State, Country

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
21. October 2022 | 14:00 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Cultural Policy III: Good to Know – City, State, Country

On the second day of the Industry Get-Together, we will turn our gaze beyond Berlin over the course of brief presentations: how do the federal associations see the current situation? Is there any news regarding the development of the federal funding bodies? How should the challenges be met that arise from climate change, the pandemic and the energy crisis? In the subsequent discussion about the future interplay of the city, state and federal levels, we want to talk about the coming steps. Within the
scope of the Neustart Kultur programs, the German Federal Government provided funding as a reaction to the crisis very broadly and in a very practice-oriented manner. What scenarios await the independent performing arts community beginning in 2023 and afterward? What strategies are already on the table, where are the gaps and what has to
be done?

With Sabine Bangert (Chairperson Goldrausch e.V.), Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste), Michael Freundt (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland), Cerstin Gerecht (Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, Head of the Department for Performing Arts and Music, invited), Helge-Björn Meyer (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste) and Ulrike Steffel (Hamburg Authority for Culture and Media, Department of Theater, invited)

Moderation: Anne Schneider (Regisseurin und Konzepterin)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language