Dr. Peggy Mädler, Therese Schmidt: Salon of the Chosen Family

Industry Get-Together
9. October 2015 | 20:00
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Dr. Peggy Mädler, Therese Schmidt: Salon of the Chosen Family

A performative space for discussions and encounters for theater artists for the creation of new networks, project-oriented collaborations and art collectives. Led and moderated by Peggy Mädler (Writer, Artist: “Lab for Counterfactual Thinking”) and Therese Schmidt (Director, Coordinator of the PAP Information Center) 

Working in the independent performing arts community often comes with a chosen family of creative minds who conceive, plan and implement projects together and thus also share some of their lives with each other. Working conditions like these do require a certain degree of "affinity", meaning agreements regarding themes, aesthetics and work structures. Or is it friction that is being sought at the moment - a counterpart to one's own point of view? 

The respective notions of theatrical work become an occasion for discussion and possible points of connection. Collective decision-making or a clear division of responsibilities? A spare stage space or a trash aesthetic? Devised text or dramatic literature? At the Salon of the Chosen Family, a space for discussion and encounters will be provided in which artists can exchange, network and, ideally, create new collaborations.


Peggy Mädler (Dramaturgy and Authot)
Therese Schmidt (Performing Arts Programm, Cosulting)