Film: Wie ich ein Höhlenmaler wurde / How I Became a Cave Painter by Jan Peters. (Germany 2001, 38 min)

Industry Get-Together
24. October 2014 | 21:00
Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin

Film: Wie ich ein Höhlenmaler wurde / How I Became a Cave Painter by Jan Peters. (Germany 2001, 38 min)

While working as a set design intern at Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Jan Peters shot a diary-like film. "During this time I suddenly encountered severe knee pain and could hardly walk. [...] and I asked myself: if I were a prehistoric human being with knee pain, would I not be cast out by my tribe since I wouldn't be able to help with hunting and gathering anymore? The only solution: to offer to provide the tribe with cave paintings in exchange for being fed...". This question remains central to this day with regard to the role of the artist in society.