HOW TO… Art & Economy
HOW TO… Art & Economy
The unbalanced relationship between art and economy can no longer be dismissed and urgently requires an empowering appropriation and reinvention by artists. How can economy and art find a balanced relationship with each other and at the same time bring about new alliances and solidarities? What rules of the game have to be changed?
This HOW TO… is dedicated to The Sphere, a three-years translocal project with the goal of developing a radical, innovative P2P community platform for self-organization for web 3.0. It deals with newly distributed property configurations and self-management infrastructures as well as with the prospects of a revision of the current financing strategies. The Sphere intends to provide various members of the ecosystem of the performing arts, artists, culture makers, audience members, cultural organizations as well as a wide spectrum of sympathizers and other interested groups, the opportunity to initiate sustainable creative cooperations.
Initiated by and featuring: Yael Sherill (curator, cultural manager, B_Tour), Erik Bordeleau (cultural theorist, fugitive planner, Center for Art, Business & Culture at Stockholm School of Economics), Ela Kagel (digital strategist, head of Supermarkt Berlin, co-founder of the Coalition of the Independent Arts), Olle Saloranta Strandberg (director. circus artist, A Radar Styled Novel Circus Company, Stockholm)