Jasmin Degeling, Prof. Geesche Wartemann: Present-time research? New approaches to learning and training

Industry Get-Together
9. October 2015 | 20:00
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Jasmin Degeling, Prof. Geesche Wartemann: Present-time research? New approaches to learning and training

How can universities and drama schools do justice to the theater landscape's changing production conditions and life situation? How do agents from the independent scene assess the level of qualification of graduates of drama schools and universities?

In an intimate and cozy discussion forum with Prof. Geesche Wartemann (Hildesheim University) and Jasmin Degeling (Bochum University) we will try to approach the strategies and ideas that are currently being developed and discussed as part of the training/education of theater people.


Jasmin Degeling (Universität Bochum
Geesche Wartemann (Universität Hildesheim)