LET‘S STAY FRIENDS… — European and International Long-Distance Relationships

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
3. October 2020 | 16:30 -
Centre Français de Berlin, Kinosaal

LET‘S STAY FRIENDS… — European and International Long-Distance Relationships

In English

Institutions, festivals, funders and artists and, with them, all the collaborations, alliances and relationships across the continents, cities and countries are facing a huge challenge in light of closed borders and travel restrictions. Let’s talk about it!  We are also looking forward to two exciting speeches to kick things off.

Opening Speeches: Elena Polivtseva (Head of Policy and Research, IETM), Necati Öziri (dramaturge Theatertreffen, director Internationales Forum, Berlin)

With: Nela H. Kornetová (T.I.T.S. performance collective, Prague), Ewan McLaren (Bazaar Festival Prague), Monika Gintersdorfer (Gintersdorfer/Klaaßen, La Fleur).

Moderation: Maria Rößler (independent dramaturge, Theaterspektakel Zurich).