Lunch with Representatives of Juries, Funding Bodies and Award Committees

Industry Get-Together
9. November 2018 | 13:30
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

Lunch with Representatives of Juries, Funding Bodies and Award Committees

Following the cultural policy updates, the attendees can enter into conversation in an informal atmosphere with representatives of juries, funding bodies and award committees, present their work, answers questions and inform themselves about the needs and development within Berlin's independent performing arts community. Over the last three years, numerous institutions have initiated new funding programs with new juries; the first impressions on the part of those receiving funding and the juries can be exchange here and new developments appropriate to the needs of the community can be discussed.


Sebastian Brünger (Doppelpass – Fonds für Kooperationen im Theater)
Sabine Köhncke (Referatsleitung, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa)
Julia Gutierrez Peris (Hauptstadtkulturfonds)
Christian Rakow (Theatertreffen)
Christina Roth (Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.)
Sarah Schaaf (Kulturprojekte Berlin: Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung)
Jutta Wangemann (Jury der Einzelprojektförderung des Senats)
Eva Behrendt (Theatertreffen)