Open Space: The Independent Performing Arts as the Research and Development Department of the Performing Arts?

Industry Get-Together
25. October 2014 | 16:00
Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin

Open Space: The Independent Performing Arts as the Research and Development Department of the Performing Arts?

If the independent performing arts invent instead of copy, are they not the research department for the entire world of the performing arts? And if so, how can this research be supported and communicated? What existing research areas can enter into inspiring cooperations? How can networking be planned and conducted here? How can calls for support be formulated and who should they be addressed to?


    With Tom Mustroph (independent writer) will search for answers to these and other questions together with Till-Müller-Klug (Interrobang Performance), Franziska Werner (sopiensaele), Daniel Wetzel (Rimini Protokoll).