Opening ceremony with speeches and buffet

Industry Get-Together
19. October 2017 | 19:00
HAU1 Hebbel am Ufer, Stresemannstraße 29, 10963 Berlin

Opening ceremony with speeches and buffet

The usess and examples of stages are dance, theater and performance, as well as shared politics. Emotions and, increasingly, affects, are both elements in the development, implementation and result of all uses of stages. And dance, theater, performance and certainly not politics have left anyone cold in recent years: the performing, producing and presenting of art has been dif cult to think of and do without cultural policy since September 24, 2017: representatives are sitting in the Bundestag who have dedicated them- selves to ghting against “multi-culture” and “diversity ideologies”.

Who are we? What do we do? Do we ght on stage or behind the scenes? What are our cultural policy channels, adjustment points and leverage? What are our stages, our spaces, our bubbles and our audi- ences? Will we tell stories, perform, present, hoax or take entirely new aesthetic paths? And which goals could formats such as the Industry Get-together or associations such as LAFT Berlin serve? At any rate, we will spend this evening talking, thinking and listening to colleagues. Following the opening ceremony all participants are invited to a buffet.

Opening ceremony with a word of welcome by Annemie Vanackere (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) and speeches by Janina Benduski and Stefan Sahlmann (Performing Arts Program), Sandra Klöss (LAFT Berlin), Eva Behrendt (theater heute), Dr. Joy Kristin Kalu (Sophiensæle) and Alexander Karschnia (andcompany&Co.). Moderated by Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost) and Markus Schäfer (Markus & Markus)

Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost)
Markus Schäfer (Markus & Markus)

Annemie Vanackere (HAU Hebbel am Ufer)
Eva Behrendt (theater heute)
Alexander Karschnia (andcompany&Co)
Dr. Joy Kristin Kalu (Sophiensæle)
Sandra Klöss (LAFT Berlin)
Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Programm / LAFT Berlin)
Stefan Sahlmann (Performing Arts Programm)