Opening, followed by the presentation of the Marketing Competition concepts

Industry Get-Together
25. October 2013 | 17:00
DOCK 11 Eden, Breite Str. 43, 13187 Berlin

Opening, followed by the presentation of the Marketing Competition concepts

Representatives of the host institutions welcome the guests. Alexander Karschnia speaks about the independent performing arts community. The finalists of the PAP Marketing Competition present their concepts. The winners of Round 1 of the Marketing Competition are: Atze Musiktheater, Hendrik Quast und Maika Knoblich, Internil Verein zur Untersuchung sozialer Komposition, Kostümkollektiv, Platypus Theater, Puppenpool, Rodewald-Foest Produktion, Emerson&Rothmund (Social Muscle Club), Theaterdiscounter, eaterkollektiv SUPERzusammenhang.

Moderator: Julian Kamphausen (Performing Arts Programm)

Participants of the Marketing Competition: Alexander Karschnia (andCompany&Co.), Janina Benduski (ehrliche arbeit, Oper Dynamo West, Performing Arts Programm), Stefan Sahlmann (Performing Arts Programm, Aromapark Media), Canan Erek (Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin), Michael Freundt (International Theatre Institute, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland), Simone Willeit (Tanzbüro Berlin), Silvia Schober (Tanzbüro Berlin), Martin Heering (Bundesverband Freier Theater)