Out of the Bubble – Snacks and Drinks with Experts from Other Fields

Industry Get-Together
10. November 2018 | 19:30
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

Out of the Bubble – Snacks and Drinks with Experts from Other Fields

People seek what is familiar to them. Recognizing a smile on the face across from you and smiling yourself is one of the basics of human relationships. We prefer to listen to people who are similar to us and we require repetitions and routines in order to be able to function socially. However, we also seek out the unknown just as much and search for new horizons. This is why we want to get out of our bubble to close out the sixth Industry Get-Together!

We have invited experts from other fields in order to listen and understand what is shaking up these other fields at the moment, which structures are changing, which goals are being newly defined and pursued, how these fields are opening up and what drives them.


Tobias Buck (Financial Times)
Dr. Laura Kaltwasser (Berlin School of Mind and Brain)
Dr. Sandra Dick (Charité)