Outside the Bubble – Ideas Beyond the Filter Bubble

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
6. September 2019 | 17:00
Sophiensaele Berlin, Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin

Outside the Bubble – Ideas Beyond the Filter Bubble

It has not hurt anyone yet to take a look into other bubbles or beyond the borders of their own area of activity. And we’ve known at least since the last Industry Get-Together that this is a very good thing indeed! To bring the rst day of the conference to an end, before we move together into the shared nal debate, we want to expand our horizons and look at forms of solidary work in other fields and areas. The inputs are intended to spur a lively discussion that recognizes the challenges of an increasingly individualized everyday existence and invites us to search for possible points of connection to enable solidary collaborations in our working lives as well as our private lives. Get out of the bubble and get into the alliance! The activist Emanuele Braga will inform us about economic forms of collaboration in art as a preparation for the project Statista in Berlin in 2019. We will follow Anna Stiede and her feminist struggle in Frauenstreik (Women’s Strike). And we will hear about solidary alliances in the music industry from Andrea Goetzke.

Short presentations: Emanuele Braga (MACAO), Anna Stiede (Frauenstreik; political educator, communication trainer, translator), Andrea Goetzke (culture producer, music curator).