Perspectives for Growth - How can Artists and Groups Grow within the Structures of the Independent Performing Arts Community?

Industry Get-Together
Podium Discussion
7. October 2016 | 14:00
Heimathafen Neukölln, Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin

Perspectives for Growth - How can Artists and Groups Grow within the Structures of the Independent Performing Arts Community?

Many of the leading artists and groups within the performing arts have been working for decades, leading to growth and changes.

The funding structures, however, have not grown with them: funding instruments which offer planning security for multiple years are rare and, if they are not granted a single time, this often means not only the end of a dance or theater group; it can also threaten the financial existence of the artists. In addition, so long as the numerous groups and venues remain within the four-year "concept funding" program, it is very difficult for any new groups to join it.

Over the course of the discussion, options will be examined, strategies will be refined and recommendations will be made.

Tom Mustroph (Freier Autor und Dramaturg)

Christoph Winkler (Choreographer)
Annett Hardegen (Vierte Welt Collaborations)