Please Keep Your Phones Switched On At All Times

Industry Get-Together
Workshops & Seminars
20. October 2017 | 14:30
HAU3 Hebbel am Ufer, Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

Please Keep Your Phones Switched On At All Times

Everything you can do with a smartphone in the theater. A workshop with a presentation. Photography. Tweeting. Blogging. Or taking a quick second to do some research on the material being presented on stage? Or to vote on how the story should continue? Letting the loudest ringtone ring right in the middle of the performance? Using your telephone at the theater is still a huge taboo. But what happens if you find new ways to make art using a smartphone? How could the audience be mobilized? What opportunities for exerting influence can be found for audience members and performers? posttheater has already tried out the use of smartphones in their performances, for example using live streaming or by letting the audience vote on the course of the show. Over the course of the workshop, these and further conceivable methods will be jointly developed, tried out and practiced. Prerequisite: Internet-capable smartphone with a data contract and WiFi in the workshop space. The results will be presented publicly. Workshop leaders: Yoann Trellu and Max Schumacher (posttheater)


Max Schumacher (Company post theater)
Yoann Trellu