Rendezvous and Au Revoir – ROUND 3

Industry Get-Together
29. October 2021 | 19:00 -
Berliner Ringtheater, Laskerstraße 5, 10245 Berlin

Rendezvous and Au Revoir – ROUND 3

The Berlin Ringtheater, including its forest garden, are putting together a three-part celebration this year so that as many people as possible can take part in accordance with the hygiene conditions. At 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm and at 7:00 pm, respectively, we are putting on an event that combines the opening, half-way point celebration, gathering and closing party with sparkling wine as a duration RENDEZVOUS and AU REVOIR. What’s more, we get to look forward to words of welcome and keynote speeches from the highest levels of the cultural administration. What we are looking forward to even more, however, is seeing all of you and having the option, at a sufficient and safe physical distance, of cutting down the emotional distance between us and asking all of you how you are doing.

Including the time for entering and exiting the premises, a little show and the get-together (possible indoors as well as outdoors!), we’ll have you out the door again after exactly two hours. Before or after, you can hear about what you’ve missed or what you can especially look forward to on the Radio Salon.

With Sabine Bangert (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program), Anete Colacioppo (Acker Stadt Palast), Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste), Jana Grünewald (Dachverband Tanz), Annett Hardegen (Vierte Welt), Helge-Björn Meyer (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste), Tim Sandweg (Schaubude Berlin), Felizitas Stilleke (Branchentreff 2021) as well as the board of LAFT Berlin and other representatives from the field of politics and art.

Moderated by: Hauke Heumann (actor)