Stage Technology as an Utopian Space of Perception

Industry Get-Together
Workshops & Seminars
8. October 2016 | 16:00
Alter Roter Löwe Rein, Richardstr. 31, 12043 Berlin

Stage Technology as an Utopian Space of Perception

The feminist performance and media art collective Swoosh Lieu introduces itself: The collective works with theater from the margins of the form: without text and without bodies. The focus of the projects are the disciplines of sound, light and video as well as the theatrical space itself with an audience spread throughout it. The collective questions the apparatus of theater in terms of its means and history(histories), examines its mechanisms for the reproduction of images and roles and the opportunities for updating deconstruction in exchange with socio-political topics and figures. The theatrical space thus becomes a collective space for negotiation as well as a utopian space of perception.


Swoosh Lieu (Performance collective)