Sustainable Touring
Sustainable Touring
Most of us are in agreement about the necessity of ensuring that work processes are sustainable: the agreement is to plan, travel and perform as climate-friendly as possible. The requirements associated with this often bring challenges for the artists with them. Alongside the difficulties, for example, in the planning of sustainable travel options and routes, there is often no funding available to make the work and touring process climate-friendly.
On the basis of specific examples, we will look at fields of work, funding opportunities and the wide spectrum of options that are easy to implement in order to avoid leaving a big ecological footprint on your next tour. The participants in the workshop are asked to bring their own projects and questions to the workshop with them. Together, we would like to discuss with each other in small groups and develop options for taking action.
With Sebastian Hoffmann (advisement opportunities touring artists / SMartDe – Netzwerk für Kreativ)
and Felix Sodemann (project coordination touring artists / International Theater Institute / independent theater maker)
In German and English spoken language