Unknown Target Groups, Open Spaces

Industry Get-Together
Podium Discussion
21. October 2022 | 15:00 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Unknown Target Groups, Open Spaces

Let’s talk about target groups: who comes to see productions at independent venues? Who does not? How can target groups be reached that have not been able to be accessed before? Are our performance venues really places for everyone? Over the course of this panel discussion, experts from the fields of (non) audience research, practical theatrical work and from cultural journalism will speak about specific strategies and best practice regarding how venues can continue to open themselves up and specifically address certain groups. In doing so, the issue of what has changed in addressing target groups since the pandemic and what can change due to the currently overlapping crises. And is cultural journalism actually part of the solution or is it part of the problem?

With Dr. Vera Allmanritter (culture sociologist, (non) audience research), Sarah Böhmer (Sophiensaele), Helge Rehders (Senate Department of Cultural and European Affairs) and additional guests

Moderated by: Georg Kasch (cultural journalist & critic)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language