WELL WHAT DO WE WANT THEN!? — Reflection on the Present Funding Policies

Industry Get-Together
Podium Discussion
2. October 2020 | 13:00 -
Uferstudio 12

WELL WHAT DO WE WANT THEN!? — Reflection on the Present Funding Policies

Click here for the audio live stream.

The cultural policy speakers representing the various political parties in Berlin will reflect upon the ten short speeches made during the cultural policy snapshot ARE YOU OKAY!?.
One year before the next elections for Berlin’s House of Representatives, there are basic questions that must be asked: what society will be formed through the present funding instruments in the field of culture? What direction should the funding follow? So much has changed so strongly. This is why we ask consistently: what visions and scenarios are now foreseeable?

With: Frank Jahnke (cultural policy speaker of the SPD parliamentary group), Dr. Robbin Juhnke (cultural policy speaker of the CDU parliamentary group), Regina Kittler (cultural policy speaker of the Die Linke parliamentary group), Florian Kluckert (cultural policy speaker of the FDP parliamentary group), Daniel Wesener (cultural policy speaker of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group / invited).

Moderated by: Wibke Behrens (Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, board member, spokesperson Berlin, Institute for Cultural Governance, co-founder), Fatima Çalışkan (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In cooperation with: Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste, Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, Dachverband Tanz, Fonds Darstellende Künste.

For this event, questions can be posed to the members of the panel discussions and comments can be made using the secure chat provided by www.sli.do. If you are interested, please send a simple email request to chat [at] pap-berlin.de.