What Do Berlin Politicians Intend For The Independent Performing Arts Community?

Industry Get-Together
Podium Discussion
26. October 2013 | 17:00
DOCK 11 Eden, Breite Str. 43, 13187 Berlin

What Do Berlin Politicians Intend For The Independent Performing Arts Community?

We ask professionals from various administrations within the Berlin Senate (not only the Cultural Administration) „What do Berlin politicians intend for the independent performing arts community?“ We are less interested in a general declaration of intent or general claims, but instead in a very specific dialog about the options for prospective collaboration.

Patrick Wildermann (freelance culture journalist, Tagesspiegel, amongst others)

Dr. Konrad Schmidt-Werthern (Berlin Senate Chancellery for Cultural Affairs)
Agnes Schipper (Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft )
Ingrid Walther (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Forschung)