When We Play At Being Active. Scenarios of Acting with Media in Business and Theater – Power or Powerlessness?

Industry Get-Together
7. October 2016 | 18:00
Heimathafen Neukölln, Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin

When We Play At Being Active. Scenarios of Acting with Media in Business and Theater – Power or Powerlessness?

Intervention, participation and action are current strategies used in many theatrical forms of presentation. Interwoven with the use of digital media, many possible actions are tested and experimentally researched. In all of this, the audience nearly always remains participants. We experience a similar setting within the business world: Innovative and interactive platforms create digital participation with user generated content. In doing so, the aesthetic implementation is exactly as important as it is in art and theater. Actions are designed and tested in these media scenarios. The illusion of the active participant is created. These exciting developments are classified, discussed and future developments will be estimated.


Julia Büki (Freie Universität Berlin)
Christian Huberts (Cultural and media scientist)