Collective Feedback Methods for Circus and the Performing Arts

Information Center
24. June 2023 | 10:00 -
Theaterhaus Mitte, Neue Jakobstraße 9, 10179 Berlin

Collective Feedback Methods for Circus and the Performing Arts

With Matthias Buhrow (physical object theater, contemporary juggling) and Cox Ahlers (circus performer, director, producer)

Who isn’t familiar with the uncomfortable silence that can happen when formulating or receiving feedback? Or when feedback becomes something that is obligatory like a test at school or when you are flooded by the sheer amount of suggestions for how it could be made better? Nevertheless, reflection and criticism are part of the further development of artistic practice and part of the training for a professional position in the collaboration as part of a team. The methods used in the Amsterdam-based DasArts-Graduate School include an entire toolbox for constructive and positive forms of feedback that are especially suited for the development process of creative work. Here, feedback is not understood as an evaluation of attempts that have been presented, but instead as the search for artistic and communicative spaces for opportunity. The methods, which will be tried out in the workshop on the basis of practical examples from the fields of circus and the performing arts can be used in a wide variety of ways: during open studio showings, while developing funding applications or during the presentation of research results. They are especially suited for forms of productions in which performances are developed over longer periods of time with showings. This is an event of the Berlin Performing Arts Program in cooperation with the Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus (BUZZ, the German Federal Association for Contemporary Circus).

In German spoken language, it is possible to ask questions and make comments using English spoken language

Please register by June 17 to:
beratung [at]