Cultural Policy I: Good to Know – Berlin/Brandenburg

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
20. October 2022 | 12:00 -

Cultural Policy I: Good to Know – Berlin/Brandenburg

Directly following the opening ceremonies, we will dive into what has been going on in cultural policy and will dedicate ourselves to the specific developments on the state level: where do we stand with the independent performing arts in Berlin in the middle of a pandemic, war and energy crisis? How are the preparations for the winter of 2022 going as well as the cost increases of the coming years? Why does Berlin need a law mandating funding for culture and a new collaboration between the cultural advocacy associations? What is going on right now in Brandenburg? How far along is the development of an inclusive cultural landscape  for everyone? Over the course of compact, brief presentations, an overview of everything that is important on the state level right now will be provided.

With Sandrine Micossé-Aikins (Diversity Arts Culture, invited), Nicole Nikutowksi (Landesverband Freie Darstellende Künste Brandenburg e. V., invited), Daniel Schrader (LAFT Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin & Ballhaus Ost), Franziska Stoff (Landesmusikrat Berlin), the Initiative for a Cultural Funding Law in Berlin and Dr. Torsten Wöhlert (Berlin State Secretary for Culture, invited)

Moderated by: Anne Schneider (director and concept developer)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language
The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language