Digital Symposium: Money Matters II

13. March 2024 | 10:00 -

Digital Symposium: Money Matters II

(Legal) Foundations and An In-Depth Focus on Public Subsidies and Awarding

March 13 - March 15, 2024

What legal foundations form the basis for our funding conditions and guidelines and how can these be used in order to strengthen a solidary and trusting way of working with each other?

During this digital symposium, artists, production managers, lawyers, representatives from the fields of politics and administration as well as the auditors will explain the basics of budgetary law when it comes to subsidies using public funds, possible leeway when it comes to the terms “economy” and “frugality” as well as questions about the so-called prohibition on betterment and which specific restricted taxable incomes are subject to the tax withholding procedure in accordance with § 50 a?

In addition, we invite you to attend a variety of different networking meetings with structures and organizations such as produktionsbande, the Agentur für Fast Alles, the Berlin Performing Arts Program and additional groups, will explain over the course of workshops how ideas for projects can be translated into budget calculations or what has to be kept in mind when dealing with value-added tax in projects involving foreign countries. Once again, Mareike Ligges from Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community will answer basic questions about the department’s funding guidelines and administrative procedures. In addition, an expert exchange offers the opportunity to discuss public procurement law in depth with lawyers Sonja Laaser and Georg Queisner. In a theoretical digression, the sociologist Prof. Dr. Berthold Vogel will emphasize the democratic potential of administrations that work well and explain how this can form the foundation for a “politics of cohesion”.

The goal of the symposium is to develop a greater understanding amongst the respective parties working with cultural funding for the necessities, demands as well as the benefits of administrative structures. In addition, we would like to support the sharing of knowledge about public funding and their settlement and, with this, an associated qualification of the independent performing arts community. The symposium was organized together with members of the LAFT Berlin working group on funding practice and accounting (Harriet Lesch, Aminata Oelßner, Hannah Pelny, Inge Zysk) and is intended both for beginners as well as members of the community with more experience and experts.


Schedule of Events


Please note: If the target group is not explicitly specified in the format description, the respective format is open for all target groups.


Day 1 – Wednesday, March 13, 2024


10:00 am   
Opening Greeting and Introduction

With Sarah Langnese (moderation), Anne Schneider (director, concept developer, moderation) and members of the LAFT Berlin working group on funding practice and accounting


Keynote Speech: Budget – System, Legal Foundations and Tasks
With Thomas Griewald (lecturer at the Berlin Academy of Public Administration and the Berlin School of Economics and Law)

It is also something that is talked about a great deal in the cultural sector, fiercely debated and criticized by some: the state budget. But what and who, exactly, are concealed behind this term? This presentation will make clear what the essential characteristics, the structure and the arrangement of a budget plan are and which organizational necessities, comprehensive tasks and responsibilities are for the commissioners for the budget and the budget units.


Keynote Speech: From the Budget into the Funding Instruments – The Role of Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community in Administrating the Budget
With Miriam Agritelli (Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community,
Head of Department I A  Department for Institutional Funding of Artists, Projects and Independent Groups)

The budget has been passed, now it has tobe implemented: how do the sums determined enter into the funding instruments? Which administrative regulations are valid here, which working steps are taken and how are the individual members of Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community and their departments involved in the implementation of the budget? This keynote speech will provide insight into the procedures that come between the passing of the state budget and the awarding of funding.


Key Note Speech & Panel Discussion: Who Does What – From Submitting the Funding Application to Inspection
With Dieter Baumann ((Rubato Compagnie), Sandra Klöss (production manager, ehrliche arbeit), Mareike Ligges (Senate Department for Culture and Community), Jeannine Fuhlbrügge and Julia Wagner (Senate Department for Culture and Community  Audit Service), moderation: Anne Schneider (director, concept developer)

We are going to take the next step and look at the fields of work for everyone involved: what does the development of an actual funding look like? How are ideas transferred to applications, how can these be translated into the calculations, what does the Senate Department pay attention to when drafting the notices of funding appropriation and what exactly are the auditors looking for? We will give representatives from the fields of art, production, administration and auditing space to describe their responsibilities and working steps in brief keynote presentations in order to provide insight both to each other as well as the attendees of the conference. Following this, questions will be answered and working methods will be reflected upon over the course of a round of discussion.


1:00 pm              
Lunch Break


2:00 pm              
Informing & Networking: An Overview of the Landscape

With Theresa Heußen & Joelle Burrichter (produktionsbande), Tobias Pflug (the Agentur Für Fast Alles), Katja Sonnemann (Akademie für Performing Arts Producer), Sebastian Hoffmann (touring artists), Irene Lehmann (Information Center of the Berlin Performing Arts Program) and Sabrina Apitz & Melanie Seifart (Kreativ Kultur Berlin) Moderation: Sarah Langnese, Anne Schneider, Sarah Stührenberg

Networks, alliances, associations and information centers will provide insight into their work and the opportunities they offer: who provides which types of further education for production managers and producers? Where do exchange formats take place regularly? What is the current state of the cultural policy lobbying work intended to strengthen the professional field? Following brief overview keynote presentations, there will be the opportunity to enter into conversation with the representatives of the attending structures, ask questions and learn everything about the options for expanding one’s own working practice.


4:30 pm               
Summing Things Up & Outlook

With Sarah Langnese (moderation)

The first day of the conference is coming to an end, but before we leave our screens, we would like to sum up the most important points of the day and provide an outlookfor the coming days. We would like to know: what have you learned, what is still open and what do we need to spend more time talking about?


5:00 pm               
End of the First Day


Day 2 – Thursday, March 14, 2024


10:00 am            
Questions & Open Exchange: Coffee in the Morning

With Sarah Stührenberg (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

Equipped with coffee and breakfast, we invite you to join us in the morning for an informal exchange: what has been left open, what is still unclear and what would you like to talk about with the other attendees? This half hour will be dedicated to arriving and reflecting, as well as networking and exchanging contacts.


10:30 am            
Official Welcome & Introduction

With Sarah Langnese (moderation)


Keynote Speech: The Foundations of Public Funding Law Including Q&A
With Prof. Dr. Dörte Busch (lawyer, lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law)

The funding application has been approved, the notice of funding appropriation has been received and the work can begin. But, before everything gets started, the funding agreement has to be signed and, with that, some conditions as well. But what exactly is being signed, actually? What specific legal foundations are public subsidies subject to? This keynote presentation will provide well-founded insight into the legal conditions of subsidies in accordance with budgetary law and will clarify frequently occurring questions, including, amongst others, the different types of subsidy, the principle of annuality (Jährlichkeitsprinzip), the German Federal Travel Expenses Act (Bundesreisekostengesetz) and the probition on betterment (Besserstellungsverbot).


What We Are Extremely Interested In… – Questions for Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community
With Mareike Ligges (Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community), moderation: Aminata Oelßner and Inge Zysk (LAFT Berlin Accounting Working Group)

Once again, we are delighted to welcome Mareike Ligges from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. In a discussion format, she will share her expertise and extensive knowledge with conference attendees and answer frequently asked and sometimes tricky questions. The focus here is on questions that are of interest to a larger group and less on specific individual cases.

To this end, we are already collecting your questions before the event: these can be sent by email by March 4, 2024 to: moneymatters [at]


1:30 pm             
Lunch Break


2:30 pm    
Workshop A: How Do I Calculate the Budget for a Project?

Target Group: Beginners
With Joelle Burrichter and Theresa Heußen (produktionsbande)

The idea for a future production, the next project, hasbeen conceived, the application text has been written, initial (non-binding) conversations with additional members of the team have taken place and the budget –hmm, yeah. How do I calculate the fees? How much money do I need to allocate for production materials, transportation, PR work and documentation? How high is the contribution fee for the KSK (Künstlersozialkasse, the German public social insurance fund for artists) this year? Do I have to pay KSK contributions at all? What measures for reducing barriers should I take into consideration and how am I supposed to know how much this will cost me? These, along with many other questions, come up when making the calculations for a project. This workshop will help to learn how ideas for projects can be translated into realistic and fair budgets.


Workshop B: How Do I Work Efficiently, Economically and Frugally?
Target Group:  Beginners and Those With Some Experience

With Christian Koch (produktionsbande)

When the application for project funding is approved, general ancillary conditions, information leaflets, notices on the course of the subsidy... A large number of things that are written in these overviews are not self-explanatory and require a certain amount of background knowledge. A lot of this can be clarified by conducting your own research, some can be learned by asking questions to the funder. But what does that notice that the subsidy has to be used economically and frugally? When do I have to pay attention to this notice and how can I ensure that I spend my funds in a corresponding manner? The goal of this workshop is to provide a deeper understanding for the various dimensions of the procurement of goods andservices and to make the attendees more able to act within the scope of the funding guidelines.


2:30 - 5:30 pm

Workshop C: Valued-Added Tax with Foreign Reference and Withholding Tax in Accordance with § 50a (Tax on Foreigners)
Target Group: Experienced Members of the Community and Experts
With Sebastian Hoffmann and Felix Sodemann (touring artists)

Like the city itself, Berlin's independent performing arts community is very international. Artists based in Berlin travel abroad to work there or to show their finished productions. Berlin venues, production houses and other structures invite international guests to participate in or present productions here. Questions arise at the latest when it comes to invoicing: In which country do I have to pay VAT? When do I have to provide a VAT ID? Is there a difference whether the service is provided inside or outside the EU? What is the reverse charge procedure and does it apply to this case? Do small businesses that hire actors from abroad have to pay VAT? In addition, the workshop explains which "income with limited tax liability" is subject to the tax deduction procedure in accordance with § 50a (Tax on Foreigners) and how the tax deduction is to be made to the Federal Central Tax Office. It goes into the amount of the tax rate to be paid, explains what the correct assessment basis is and what exemption limits there are.
The aim is to provide a detailed insight into the specific guidelines.


4:30 pm
Summing Things Up & Outlook

With Sarah Langnese (moderation)

The second day of the conference is now over and we are once again taking the time to summarise what we have heard and learned. What questions were clarified, what remained unanswered and what is the programme for the third and final day of the conference?


5:00 pm               
End of the Online Programm


6:30 pm               
Public Funding Law – Expert Discussion

With Sonja Laaser (lawyer for the arts and creative scene, freelance dramaturge), Dr. Georg Queisner (lawyer for public procurement law) and Hannah Pelny (project management LAFT Berlin)

In German spoken language. Target group: Experts, Live in Berlin (you will receive details of the location after your registration has been confirmed)


Day 3 – Friday, March 15, 2024


10:00 am            
Questions & Open Exchange: Coffee in the Morning
With Sarah Stührenberg (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

Equipped with coffee and breakfast, we invite you to join us in the morning for an informal exchange: what has been left open, what is still unclear and what would you like to talk about with the other attendees? This half hour will be dedicated to arriving and reflecting, as well as networking and exchanging contacts.


10:30 pm            
Opening Greeting and Introduction

With Sarah Langnese (moderation)


Digression: The Potentials of Bureaucracy
With Prof. Dr. Berthold Vogel (Managing Director of the Sociological Research Institute of Göttingen/SOFI e.V.)

The art sector often complains about complicated administrative procedures, guidelines that are too strict and the dreaded in-depth audits. But while, on the one hand, there are certainly justifiable suggestions for simplification, there is, on the other hand, a potential in the administration to be recognized that is often forgotten: it ensures public services, infrastructure and public goods. In his impressive presentation, Dr. Berthold Vogel, a professor of sociology, will demonstrate how administrations that function well ensure and strengthen social cohesion and how they form the foundation for a solidary “politics of cohesion”.


Key Note Speech & Discussion: How can public administration promote and support social cohesion? A discussion about good practice examples, the need to reduce bureaucracy & new forms of cooperation between civil society and administration
With Daniel Wesener (MdA, Spokesman for Cultural Funding, Alliance 90/The Greens), Sabine Schwittek (Verwaltungsrebell:innen), Joscha Denzel (Kulturforum Witten) and Ulrike Seybold (NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste)
Moderation: Anne Schneider (director, concept developer)

At the end of the event, we will look at practical examples of how these have been realized, what has been learned from them and what potential lies in new forms of cooperation between administration and civil society. The panel guests will represent supra-regional and interdisciplinary perspectives and reflect on good collaborations, solidary relationships and discuss which hurdles still need to be overcome in the partnership between culture and administration.

1:00 pm               
A Summing Up of the Event


1:30 pm              
End of the Event


Information About Registration

Participation in this event is free of charge. In order to attend, we ask you to please register by March 11, 2024, by sending an email to: moneymatters [at]



This event will take place in the German spoken language. For the format that takes place online (all formats except for the live event Public Funding Law – Expert Discussion on March 14 at 6:30 pm), there is the option to use the subtitle function of WebEx.

PLEASE NOTE: The WebEx app is necessary to use all of the functions of the video conferencing service without restrictions, especially the English subtitles.
Access to the video conference via a web browser is sufficient for taking part in the symposium without digital translation.

You can download the app here:

UPDATE: Unfortunately, no English translation can be provided via Webex. We are endeavoring to organize an alternative translation into English. Further information will be available soon.


WebEx Accessibility

This event will take place on WebEx. The platform features technical support options on its website. If you have any additional questions about the use of the platform, please send us an email to the following address: support [at]

WebEx Privacy and Security

You can find information about the privacy policy and security of the video conferencing tool here:

If you have any questions about accessibility or possible barriers, please contact Laura Hähnel at laura.haehnel [at] or 030/ 20 45 979 14 (available by phone Monday and Thursday 11 am to 5 pm).

Please register by March 11, 2024 by sending an email to: moneymatters [at]

Participation in this event is free of charge.

This event will take place in the German spoken language. For all online formats, there will be the option to use German subtitles on WebEx.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, no English translation can be provided via Webex. We are endeavoring to organize an alternative translation into English. Further information will be available soon.