The Expert’s Lounge: A Fluid Understanding of Roles in the Independent Performing Arts

Information Center
Network Event
16. May 2024 | 10:00 -
Spreefeld, Raum 2, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin

The Expert’s Lounge: A Fluid Understanding of Roles in the Independent Performing Arts

With Isa Wortelkamp (systemic coach, theater and dance scholar) and Irene Lehmann (PAP Berlin)

Artists producing independently see themselves confronted with a wide variety of role requirements – not only should they demonstrate excellence in the practice of their art, instead they should also demonstrate this in the calculation of costs and working time as well as marketing and communication. As advising and qualifying experts within the independent performing arts community, the question comes up again and again as to how we can support those seeking advice, workshop participants and mentees in dealing with these requirements.

This workshop will provide practical tools that will contribute to the clarification of one’s own role(s) in order to be able to act securely and confidently within the various demands found within artistic production contexts. In doing so, it will follow a systemic approach that thinks about changes as proceeding from relationships: relationships between people and to the environment in which they live and work as well as to the various roles that they take on amongst each other. In doing so, it will provide helpful impulses for the advisement of people, especially within artistic contexts, in which clarity within roles will make communication to the outside easier and can protect and strengthen one’s own resources.

In German spoken language, it is possible to ask questions, make comments and network using English spoken language

Please register by May 8 to:
irene.lehmann [at]