Funding Applications for Those With Prior Experience
Funding Applications for Those With Prior Experience
Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the Berlin Senate’s Multi-Sector Funding for Festivals and Series as well as for One-Year and Two-Year Projects (Spartenoffene Förderung): a whole bunch of application deadlines are coming up in October as well for funding programs intended for experienced members of Berlin’s independent performing arts community - so it’s really high time to take a long, hard look at your planned project and ask yourself about how effective it is! This writing workshop is intended explicitly for professionals within the independent performing arts community who are primarily looking for support and advice in writing their applications as well as tips and advice regarding funding strategies and conversations with their colleagues.
In order to attend, please send an email by September 12, 2020, at the latest, to: beratung(at)
Language: German, questions can also be asked in English
Access: This event will take place online, access to it will be provided upon registration.