Getting Started as a Transnational Artist
Getting Started as a Transnational Artist
How can you get your foot in the door in the independent performing arts community as an international artist? How does one deal with the challenges in freelance work, the bureaucracy and, last but not least, the stress that reorienting oneself within a new system can bring? How do you find access to funding opportunities when language presents an obstacle and where can you find support options when it comes to questions about visas, permits, freelance tax number (Steuernummer), foreign tax number (Ausländersteuer)? Where can you find help when experiencing discrimination or exclusion? How can you adjust and revisit your work and concept in order to attract more opportunities? Our host Dmytro Grynov will share his experiences as an international artist with a Ukrainian background and will welcome the participants to an open round of exchange on how to deal with the challenges when getting started in Berlin. The participants are warmly invited to bring their most urgent questions regarding freelance activity with them.
Цей англомовний захід-нетворкінг має на меті познайомити міжнародних митців з берлінською сценою та надати базові знання для розвитку кар‘єри. Наш модератор Дмитро Гринов, митець з українським походженням, поділиться власним досвідом та запросить учасників до відкритої дискусії про виклики на початку творчого шляху в Берліні.
In English spoken language, it is possible to ask questions in Ukrainian and Russian spoken language