Getting Started as a Transnational Artist in Berlin

Information Center
Workshops & Seminars
2. May 2023 | 17:00 -
OYOUN, Lucy-Lameck-Str. 32, 12049 Berlin

Getting Started as a Transnational Artist in Berlin

With Salah Zater (performance artist, dancer, curator)

How can you get your foot in the door in the independent performing arts community as an international artist? How does one deal with the challenges in freelance work, the bureaucracy and the stress that reorienting oneself within a new system can bring? How do you find access to funding opportunities when language presents an obstacle and where can you find support when it comes to questions about visas, the KSK (Künstlersozialkasse, (the German public social insurance fund for artists) or other forms of insurance? What points of contact exist when discrimination is experienced? Our host Salah Zater will share his experiences as an international artist in the fields of performance and dance and will welcome the participants to an open round of discussion concerning their ideas and needs, the efforts they make and the challenges they encounter in the field of art as well as questions revolving around getting started as an international artist in Berlin.

In Arabic and English spoken language.

Please register by April 28 by sending an email to:
beratung [at]