Hot Spot Rehearsal Space #1 Self-Presentation & Storytelling

Information Center
Workshops & Seminars
16. April 2018 | 10:00
mime centrum, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Hot Spot Rehearsal Space #1 Self-Presentation & Storytelling

Workshop with Aurora Kellermann & Niklas Allgaier

Rehearsal spaces are a hot topic at the moment: new funding opportunities and programs are being created while there are simultaneously more and more artists in Berlin searching for suitable spaces in which they can realize their projects. This workshop is intended for those providing spaces who expect and desire more from their spaces and for their spaces.
Aurora Kellermann from the Rehearsal Space Platform and the communication consultant Niklas Allgaier will support you during the working in fully exhausting the potential of your spaces. In the first step of the workshop, we will analyze your current situation together: "How are we perceived by the independent performing arts community?" "How do we present our spaces?", "Which users and projects can we approach?". In a second step, we will provide you with the tools for storytelling and self-marketing that you can use to develop your new communication strategy. In doing so, we will orient ourselves according to your needs for advisement and your topics of interest.