How To: Produce in a Manner that is Fair to Parents
Information Center
How To…
20. March 2025 | 11:00
Address will be provided upon registration
How To: Produce in a Manner that is Fair to Parents
With Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus)
How does parent-friendly production work? What conditions need to be created for this? How can people with care obligations advocate for their specific working (im)possibilities? In this workshop in German spoken language Elisa Müller will introduce the new Guidelines for Dealing with Care Responsibility in the Independent Performing Arts and discuss their application into practical work.
In German spoken language, it is possible to ask questions and make comments using English spoken language.
Please register by March 13, 2025 to beratung [at]
When registering, we kindly ask you to send specific questions in advance.