Information Event for Advisors: How Do I Make My Workshop or Consultation More In Line with the Current Hygiene Measures?

Information Center
17. August 2020 | 10:00

Information Event for Advisors: How Do I Make My Workshop or Consultation More In Line with the Current Hygiene Measures?

With Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program)

This information event is intended primarily for our advisers but can also be attended by everyone who is planning to offer a workshop in physical space in the near future. The desire to offer events “live on location” again is growing – and we can understand this! But how can we safely offer events? What needs to be kept in mind during the planning? What responsibilities do I have as the organizer of an independent workshop? Janina Benduski will provide information about the current state of the topic of hygiene concepts for further education formats. 

In order to attend, please send an email by August 12, 2020, at the latest, to: beratung(at)

Language: German, questions can also be asked in English
Access: This event will take place online, access to it will be provided upon registration.