Keynote Speech: “How Power Relationships on the Internet Are Changing the Political Discourse.” (working title)

Presentation & Discussion
2. March 2022 | 09:15

Keynote Speech: “How Power Relationships on the Internet Are Changing the Political Discourse.” (working title)

As of this legislative period, Anna Kassautzki is the deputy chair of the Committee on Digital Affairs of the Bundestag. In her first speech in the Bundestag, she addressed, amongst other topics, the inherent infrastructural deficits behind IT security vulnerabilities (such as the 0-day vulnerabilities in Log4j). We would very much like to learn from her what strategies she uses in order to improve the power structures and/or framework conditions of digital developments as well as how she understands the shift of power of digital political discourse.

Anna Kassautzki (member of the Bundestag, SPD)