Meet a Jury Member

Information Center
9. October 2020 | 11:00 -

Meet a Jury Member

Individual Advisement Sessions for the Multi-Sector Funding for Festivals and Series Funding Program by Member of the Jury Silke Bake (dramaturge, curator)

Language: German
Access: This event will take place online, access to it will be provided upon registration.
Please note: The number of participants is limited.

The application deadline for the Multi-Sector Funding for Festivals and Series Program offered by Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe is coming up - the application deadline is on October 15! Silke Bake, a member of the jury for the program, will answer questions about the funding program as well as the application procedure and, if requested, provide brief feedback on project ideas and applications over the course of 20-minute individual advisement sessions.


In order to attend, please send an email by October 5, 2020, at the latest, to: beratung [at] ().


Christin Eckart

christin.eckart [at]

Fatima Çalışkan

fatima.caliskan [at]