Open Call: Exchange Trip Open Up! - Exchanges Between the Independent Performing Arts Communities of Hesse and Berlin in 2022

Exchange Trips
Open Call & Deadline
27. September 2022 | 00:00 -

Open Call: Exchange Trip Open Up! - Exchanges Between the Independent Performing Arts Communities of Hesse and Berlin in 2022

In cooperation with the Landesverband Professionelle Freie Darstellende Künste Hessen e. V. (laPROF, the Hessian State Association of the Professional Independent Performing Arts)

Open Up! - Exchanges Between the Independent Performing Arts Communities of Hesse and Berlin in 2022 is taking place in cooperation with the Landesverband Professionelle Freie Darstellende Künste Hessen e. V. (laPROF, the Hessian State Association of the Professional Independent Performing Arts). It includes a trip by a delegation of community members from Berlin to the festival Politik im Freien Theater (Politics in Independent Theater) in Frankfurt am main between October 6 and October 9, 2022 as well as the invitation of a delegation from Hesse to the 10th Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community in Berlin from October 20 to 22, 2022.

As has been the focus in previous years, this year’s exchange trip is intended to support the national and international networking of the independent performing arts within the German-speaking world and create space for making new contacts, for professional exchange as well as the passing on of specialized knowledge.
In the year 2022, with the 11th edition of the festival Politik im Freien Theater, which is being held in Hesse for the very first time, and the 10th Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts shortly following this in Berlin, there two very suitable occasions to meet each other (again) and take in some new impulses from outside of one’s own community.

In addition, the Frankfurter Festival AG, consisting of laPROF, ID_Frankfurt and studio naxos and thus also serving as a robust representation of the independent performing arts community, is part of the festival management for the first time and is organizing the festival Politik im Freien Theater together with Schauspiel Frankfurt and Künstlerhaus Mousontum. With a glance toward the organization requirements and the thematic focus of the festival, “power”, in Frankfurt am Main and the connection with the Berlin focus on the evaluation of 10 years of the Industry Get-Together as well as the Berlin Performing Arts Program, both events offer a great deal of input and inspiration for looking into the future together and creating (power) critical visions for the further development of the performing arts in the German-speaking world.

All members from the independent performing arts communities in Hesse and Berlin are warmly invited to take part in Open Up! and enter into contact with each other in events which quickly follow each other.

We look forward to exciting encounters!

Schedule of Events

Trip from Berlin to Hesse
October 6 to October 9, 2022 

The delegation from Berlin will travel to Frankfurt am Main, meet up and become acquainted with the participants in the exchange trip from Hesse and attend events from the schedule of programming of the festival Politik im Freien Theater together as well as possibly take part in additional exclusive events.

Trip from Hesse to Berlin
October 20 to October 22, 2022
The delegation from Hesse will travel to Berlin and, together with the participants in the program from Berlin, will take part in the schedule of events of the Industry Get-Together conference where the conversations which were started in Hesse can be continued and where newly made contacts can be firmed up.

Please note: A detailed schedule of events for both trips will be announced after the registration and selection of the participants.


All members of Berlin's independent performing arts community are warmly invited to take part in Open Up!

In order to apply to join the delegation to the festival Politik im Freien Theater in Frankfurt am Main, we ask you to send us a brief statement of motivation (max. 2 DIN A4 pages) that indicates your specific interests in participating in an exchange with the independent performing arts community of Hesse. Participants from Berlin who are applying should ensure that they are able to participant in the events within the schedule of programming of the Industry Get-Together in Berlin in addition to the trip to Hesse.

Applications can be sent to: aufmachen [at]
by September 27, 2022.
We are at your disposal if you have any questions regarding the call for applications and the application process.



Applications can be sent by September 27, 2022 to: aufmachen [at] pap-berlin.deaufmachen [at] ( )