Open Call: Application for the performance programming at the internationale tanzmesse nrw

Touring Office
Open Call & Deadline
8. September 2023 | 00:00

Open Call: Application for the performance programming at the internationale tanzmesse nrw

The internationale tanzmesse nrw (the North-Rhine Westphalia International Dance Trade Fair) is put on by the nrw landesbuero tanz (the North-Rhine Westphalia State Office for Dance) and is the largest professional meeting for contemporary dance. This dance trade fair is an important meeting place for international dancers and dance makers as a forum for exchange, the transfer of knowledge and networking. The up to 2,000 international presenters and visitors come to Düsseldorf every two years at the end of August and present a wide spectrum of aesthetic styles as well as artistic practices.

The tanzmesse nrw takes place from August 28 to 31, 2024 in Düsseldorf and invites professional contemporary dancers, members of the dance community and organizations working in the field of dance to submit proposals for the performance programming of the 2024 edition. As is the case every year, the Berlin Performing Arts Program will once again be represented with a shared trade fair stand at the 2024 edition of the internationalen tanzmesse nrw (the North Rhine-Westphalia International Dance Trade Fair) in Düsseldorf.

Via our trade fair stand, you have the opportunity to submit proposals for the performance programming of the tanzmesse nrw without having to pay registration fees. We are can submit two programming proposals to the tanzmesse. Members of the community whose work is selected for the performance programming by the jury of the internationalen tanzmesse nrw will receive preferential treatment in the assignment of places at our shared trade fair stand. The call for applications to be part of our shared trade fair stand on the tanzmesse will be published at the beginning of the year 2024.

All members of the community working in the field of dance are warmly invited to apply to be included in the performance programming of the international tanzmesse nrw via the Berlin Performing Arts Program!


When preparing your application, please be sure to read all of the information regarding the application prerequisites and criteria for the performance programming of the tanzmesse nrw! You can find all of this information right here:

Application Material

General Information:

  • Name of the company / institution / network
  • Name of the choreographer / initiator
  • Website

What format would you like to apply for?:

  • Performance (on stage, public space, digital): Video link for the complete performance / project
  • Open Studio: Video link for the complete performance / project
  • Insight: Video link for the complete performance / project, or, if you do not have a video of the project, please provide additional information about the project that is accessible online

Please provide the following information about the performance / project:

  • Title of the work
  • Short description of the work
  • Short biography of the choreographer or initiator 

Please send applications that are to be submitted by the Berlin Performing Arts Program for the performance programming of the tanzmesse nrw by September 8, 2023 via email with the subject “Application performance programming – tanzmesse nrw” to: catherine.launay [at]

Consultation hour für Q&A: September 5, 2023, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, online, register to: catherine.launay [at]

More Information about the international tanzmesse nrw:

Application by September 8, 2023 to: catherine.launay [at]

Consultation hour for Q&A: September 5, 2023, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, online, register to: catherine.launay [at]