Open Call: PRALIN Staff Exchange

Touring Office
Open Call & Deadline
3. August 2020 | 12:00

Open Call: PRALIN Staff Exchange

Independent Performing Arts in Prague and Berlin August 2020 to June 2021

The Staff Exchange offers ways to get to know the independent performing arts community in the partner city, initiate new collaborations and start conversations about co-production projects. Over the course of one year, participants will be given the chance to be present at several relevant festivals, events, symposiums and conduct personal meetings according to their wishes and their specific field of activity. At the same time, participants will be given information regarding European funds as well as strategies to initiate, develop and maintain the projects and activities between Prague and Berlin in an effective manner.

Who can apply for the PRALIN Staff Exchange?
The program is intended for industry professionals in Berlin and Prague whose work extends beyond artistic activities: producers, curators, culture managers, audience developers, marketing managers, artistic directors, PR staff, project coordinators, journalists, researchers, theorists, etc. The applicants should be freelance workers in Berlin or Prague or employed by an institution working in the field of the performing arts. Up to 3 participants from Prague and up to 3 participants from Berlin will be selected.

The Program's Scheduled Events Include:
August 26, 2020: Digital kick-off event for all six participants

September 15 bis 17, 2020: During the first Culture Get-Together symposium in Prague, the participants will meet for the first time, get to know each other and will be invited to take part in the symposium's schedule of programming and accompanying networking and cultural events.

October 1 bis 3, 2020: The participants will meet for the second time during the Industry Get-Together in Berlin and receive the opportunity to present their plans and ideas to be realized and explored over the course of the Staff Exchange program. In addition to the official conference events, the participants will be invited to take part in designated Staff Exchange formats. 

February 2021 (3 days): During the Malá inventura festival in Prague, the participants of the Staff Exchange will meet for the third time, be able to deepen the connections they have established and take part in various networking events as well as attend the artistic program.

May 2021 (3 days): During the Berlin Performing Arts Festival, the six participants will meet officially for the final time. There will be time to publicly share their experiences and results of the Staff Exchange program as well as to take part in the official festival events and the accompanying events for visiting industry professionals.

June 2021: Digital closing event for all six participants from both cities.

In addition, the Staff Exchange program offers the participants individual trips to the other city to get in touch with people or to deepen contacts that already exist. The specific details of individual stays will be discussed and decided upon by the respective exchange partners. During the stays in Berlin, per diems will be paid for Staff Exchange participants from Prague.

How do I apply?
We ask you to please send a CV and statement of motivation in English by August 3, 2020 to the contact person in your city:

Berlin: caroline.galvis [at] (caroline.galvis(at)
Prague: petrdlouhy [at] (petrdlouhy(at)


The following information should be included in the statement of motivation:

  • Why would you like to participate in the PRALIN Staff Exchange?
  • What type of organization or work area would be of interest for you in the other city?
  • Which connections do you already have to the other city that you would like to strengthen by participating in the PRALIN Staff Exchange?
  • What would you like to achieve within the framework of the one year of the Staff Exchange program?

Applicants should be certain that they can take part in the Culture Get-Together in Prague from September 15 - 17, 2020, the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community in Berlin from October 1 – 3, 2020, the Malá inventura festival in February 2021 and the Berlin Performing Arts Festival in May 2021. The selection of the participants will be made by August 10, 2020.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions that might arise.


Online Information Event: July 3, 2020, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
(to register, please send an email to caroline.galvis [at] (caroline.galvis(at) by July 2)