An Overview of Funding Tools in Spring 2023

Information Center
Information Event
6. March 2023 | 10:00 -

An Overview of Funding Tools in Spring 2023

With Fabian Rosonsky (director & production manager)

This information event will provide an overview of the most important funding opportunities for the coming months leading up to the summer break: what funding instruments are offered by Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe and what foundations are relevant? What German federal and EU funding programs should be focused on? What is the current status of grants and residencies? We will provide an overview of the topic and answer the most urgent questions regarding funding tools.
And, for those who would like to engage on a deeper level with the coming funding opportunities offered by the State of Berlin, the Arbeits- und Recherche-Stipendium (Work and Research Scholarship), the Hauptstadtkulturfonds as well as the Einstiegsförderung (Early Career Funding) and the Einzelprojektförderung (Individual Project Funding) programs and immerse themselves in working on the applications, the in-depth workshop An Overview of Funding Tools - Spring 2023: Berlin Classics with Therese Schmidt will be offered on March 16.

In German spoken language.

Register by February 27 to:
beratung [at]