Pension Provisions and Basic Income

Information Center
Information Event
7. October 2021 | 13:30 -

Pension Provisions and Basic Income

With Andreas Bayer (inbound media service)

In German spoken language

What basic income and pension provisions exist for freelancers and which ones (do not) come into question for artists and culture makers? What does it mean whether one is in the KSK (Künstlersozialkasse, the German public social insurance fund for artists) or not and when should you start preparing for pension provision solution? How is it possible to ensure that you will have enough money in your old age when you are currently living and working in partially precarious conditions? What should you know when selecting a provision model and who can you ask for help? Expert Andreas Bayer from inbound media service will answer these and other questions dealing with the topic of financial security in old age and provide helpful tips and information.

Register by September 30 to:
beratung [at]