Practical Examples for Social VR: VRChat

Information Center
Workshops & Seminars
3. March 2021 | 12:00 -

Practical Examples for Social VR: VRChat

With Arne Vogelgesang and Katharina Haverich (internil – Soziale Komposition)

Do you see digital platforms as something more than simply an emergency solution? Are you also interested in the performative possibilities and organizational advantages of virtual spaces and looking for an opportunity to collect your first practical experiences? This workshop gives the participants a brief introduction to the social VR platforms and introduces the example of VRChat. Following the exploration of the functionalities and potentials of VRChat, experiences, opportunities for application and the necessary knowledge and work processes for this will be discussed. VR headsets will be available to the participants in advance for the duration of the workshop.


With the kind support of HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences, Research Group INKA.  

Registration till February 25:
beratung [at] ().