PRALIN Seminar #1: Funding Opportunities and Funding Structures for International Collaborations in Berlin

Touring Office
Workshops & Seminars
16. December 2020 | 17:00 -

PRALIN Seminar #1: Funding Opportunities and Funding Structures for International Collaborations in Berlin

The Berlin Performing Arts Program warmly invites all interested parties to this seminar session exploring Berlin’s funding landscape for international collaborations in the independent performing arts. The seminar is part of the exchange format PRALIN, which has networked members of the independent performing arts communities in Prague and Berlin since 2018. With a focus on work between the Czech Republic and Germany, Sabrina Apitz and Andrzej Raszyk from Kulturförderpunkt Berlin will provide an overview of funds, grants and additional funding opportunities for independent projects.



With their registration via email, the participants consent to video and/or audio recordings being made during the event "PRALIN Seminar #1: Funding Opportunities and Funding Structures for International Collaborations in Berlin" on December 16, 2020 by Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V. (hereinafter referred to as “the association”) during the event in a digital space of the video conference service Ecosero ((Terms of use:,, insofar as the participants are depicted, to be used by the association for the following purposes:

  • The conducting of the event
  • The documentation of the event for internal use by the association

The participants are aware that when video and audio recordings are published on the internet that they are accessible worldwide. The granting of the rights is provided free of charge. Publications will take place using the information that the person represented has provided over the course of their participation in the event with the use of the respective conference tool (e.g. user name)

Please register by sending an email to Sarah Kindermann by December, 14:
sarah.kindermann [at]