Public Funding Law – Paths Through the Jungle

Information Center
27. February 2024 | 10:00 -
Podewil, Konferenzraum 1, Klosterstraße 68d, 10179 Berlin

Public Funding Law – Paths Through the Jungle

With Harriet Lesch (producer)

The official notice of funding has arrived! But where do things go from here? We are all aware of the terms “necessary, economic and frugal”, but what do they actually mean? Why does the Unterschwellenvergabeordnung (Regulation on Sub-Threshold Procurement) exist or the option for an early start of a (funding) measure? What is important for those of us working in the field of cultural funding in the Bundesreisekostengesetz (the German Federal Travel Expenses Act), which receipts do I need to save and how do I properly justify their use? In the workshop, we will not work on specific settlement issues, but instead clarify basic terms and rules for working with public funds, shed light on these from practical experience and, together, find paths through the seemingly impenetrable jungle of bureaucracy. This event is intended for professional production managers and culture managers who have already managed and realized large-scale projects and who would like to deepen their professional knowledge.

In German spoken language

Please register by February 20 to:
beratung [at]