Rehearsal Spaces as Event Venues

Berlin Rehearsal Space Platform
Information Event
Network Event
27. September 2022 | 19:00 -
Katapult, Wilhelminenhofstr 91, 12459 Berlin

Rehearsal Spaces as Event Venues

With Oli Pinchbeck and Declan Mee (Katapult)

Oli Pinchbeck and Declan Mee from Katapult have focused on developing a hybrid format that covers creation space needs and also provides performance opportunities. Working with limited budgets, they have developed a flexible system that allows to transform a venue into a serviceable performance space, hosting everything from finished pieces to improvisation, work-in-progress and interdisciplinary works.

At this event they will offer a short presentation of Katapult and solutions they found to the issues they have faced over the last six years of operation, and invite questions from attendees, as well as attempting to identify common issues for project organisers. At the end of the event there will be space for networking and socialising - as space owners rarely have such time to meet.

In English spoken language. It is possible to ask questions in German spoken language.

Register by September 22 to
redaktion [at]